„Observarea de sine”
Parvathy Baul este o cantareata, pictorita si povestitoare din Bengalul de vest. Totodata este pregatita in ordinul Baul si a studiat arte visuale la Universitatea Kala Bhavan din Shantiniketan. Incepand cu 1965 ea a facut reprezentatii peste tot in regiunea ei natala, Bengal, dar si in India si chiar pe plan international. Muzica ei a incantat auditorii din Statele Unite ale Americii pana in Japonia.
Japanese Love Poems.
A collaborative effort by numerous poets, this book offers a glimpse through western eyes into the heart of the renowned mystic poet. Celaleddin Rumi. Ecstatic poetry which celebrates the bittersweet pain and pleasure of a relationship to the beloved.
In the award-winning Rending the Veil, Shahram Shiva revolutionized the translation of Rumi by making it possible for readers to make their own authentic versions of Rumi's poetry. Now, in RUMI: Thief of Sleep, Shiva has taken selections from Rending the Veil and condensed them into one small, gift-sized edition.
In aceast? colec?ie de 90 de poezii, Red Hawk atinge nervi durero?i într-un spectru de subiecte vitale -- de la copii, natur? ?i familie, Dumnezeu, politic? ?i moarte. Fie ca spune o poveste amuzant? despre el însu?i sau pune sub acuza?ie civiliza?ia vestic?, cuvintele lui Red Hawk sunt mereu precise, deseori nemiloase, dar in final pline de compasiune. Spre deosebire de mu?i poe?i a c?ror munca este inaccesibil? cititorului de rând, poezia lui Red Hawk este scris? pentru toat? lumea.
This book is a translation of 204 songs, including an extensive introduction to the history and faith of the Bauls of Bengal.Throughout their 600 year history, the Bauls kept no ofï¬cial scriptures. Their spiritual teachings are encoded in the words of their songs / poems.
Following in the footsteps of the Persian mystical poets Rumi, Hafez, Nizami and others, the timeless works in this collection express the poet’s overwhelming devotion to and longing for the Divine Beloved. This is heart-opening poetry of longing and love from the last great poet in the classical Persian tradition. Jami’s poetry seethes with spiritual ardor without being sentimental. His themes are varied, but ultimately lead back to a singular teaching that the Divine is not separate from the one who seeks and loves.
250 de poezi, curajoase ?i limpezi, de la inestimabilul Red Hawk. El vede condi?ia uman? cu ochii deschi?i, prin prisma experien?ei personale ?i cu o onestitate necru??toare. Coperta este desenata de Gary Simmons.
Poezia lui Red Hawk este apreciat? de mult timp de catre mul?i poe?i, ca?tig?tori ai premiului Pulitzer ?i finali?ti ai National Book Award, pentru onestitatea curajoasa, limbajul clar ?i priceperea des?vâr?it?.