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„Observarea de sine”

de Red Hawk

Preț : 30 Ron
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Autor: Lee Lozowick

This book contains teachings from a seminar given in Mexico City by the author, a recognized spiritual teacher, in May 2006. Each chapter/essay covers one or more topics, both practical and esoteric, relative to daily life and spiritual practice. The author speaks about and actively demonstrates what it means to “get real,” in contrast to the illusions of what it means to be “spiritual” in this day and age. Lee Lozowick’s words are compassionate, but often brutally honest and humorous. He confronts the notions that keep his students and listeners stuck in their impractical visions of God or enlightened life. Instead, he encourages a relationship to reality that is characterized by integrity and discipline. A chapter on money is perhaps most surprising. Lozowick touches upon various “laws” relative to money throughout the book and describes money as “the energy of possibility.”

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90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

To ignite the inner life--that intrinsic spiritual dimension of existence--is to make a pilgrimage within-to move from "out there” to "in here” in the orientation of life, work, choices and relationships. This book is directed to those with a focus on spirituality, self-understanding, contemplative prayer, God, or the awakening of the heart's knowledge, regardless of the religious tradition they follow.

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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2010

Autor: Red Hawk

Te încurajăm sa faci un cadou frumos, la 2 cărți comandate se mai aplică un discount de 10 %.

Această carte este o examinare în profunzime a procesului, atât de necesar, a "sinelui"- studiu cunoscut sub numele de observare de sine. Numai când "cunoaștem sinele", prin practica de observare de sine, spune autorul, suntem capabili de a fi prezenți în viață cu conștiință autentică. Metodele prezentate aici sunt capabile de a restabili capacitatea unui individ de a acorda o atenție la un instrument complet funcțional și puternic pentru succesul în viață.

In stoc
buc. Cumpară
30.00 Ron
Editura: Good Company
Anul aparitiei: 2013

Autor: Regina Sara Ryan

The newly revised edition of Praying Dangerously: Radical Reliance on God instructs us that we can grow up spiritually, leaving behind a childish relationship to prayer as a superstitious ritual or mere plea for favors. It encourages readers to recognize the difference between prayer that asks only for reassurance, and prayer that asks for the Ultimate, and stands for transformation.

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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2001

Autor: Red Hawk

Self Remembering: The Path to Non-Judgmental Love -  is a companion piece to the author’s previous book Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience, which is fast becoming a classic. Taken together, they present the most detailed examination of the practice available in English. Red Hawk clearly points out that self remembering is only one half of a foundational spiritual practice called “self observation/self remembering.”

In stoc
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100.00 Ron
Editura: hohm press
Anul aparitiei: 2015

Autor: Red Hawk

Aceast? carte este o examinare în profunzime a procesului, atât de necesar, a "sinelui"- studiu cunoscut sub numele de observare de sine. Numai când "cunoa?tem sinele", prin practica de observare de sine, spune autorul, suntem capabili de a fi prezen?i în via?? cu con?tiin?? autentic?. Metodele prezentate aici sunt capabile de a restabili capacitatea unui individ de a acorda o aten?ie la un instrument complet func?ional ?i puternic pentru succesul în via??.

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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei:

Autor: Lee Lozowick

A concise and straightforward overview of the principles of traditional spiritual practice. Subjects include: the role of a teacher, the optimum disposition of a student, the function of community in 'self'-liberation and many other topics of use to seekers and serious students alike.



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70.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 1996

Autor: Lalitha Thomas

Spiritual practice is never something mysterious or alien to ordinary existence. Neither is it defined by difficult exercises or maintained by perfect tranquility. Waking To Ordinary Life speaks directly to the false presumption that our relationship to the Divine, to Spirit, somehow precludes a simple life based in human maturity, dignity and kindness toward others. It casts unrelenting light on how clear-cut spiritual practice actually is, if only we have the courage to choose it.

In stoc
buc. Cumpară
75.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2011

Autor: Lee Lozowick

Uncompromising, Generous and Compassionate
A Legacy of Western Spiritual Master Lee Lozowick

These essays contain the final handwritten teachings of Lee Lozowick (1943-2010) given during the last eighteen months of his life, during which he lived in the crucible of an illness that limited his ability to speak. Yet, he continued to work and teach extensively, traveling in Europe and the U.S. until the last two days of his life.

In stoc
buc. Cumpară
90.00 Ron
Editura: Hohm Press
Anul aparitiei: 2013
