„Observarea de sine”
The book will be available for buying starting with June 1st. Until then, you can preorder and get a 15% percent discount.
This book is an in-depth examination of the much needed process of “self”-study known as self observation. Only when we “Know Thyself” through self observation practice, says the author, are we capable of being present to life with genuine conscience. The methods presented here are capable of restoring an individual’s ability to pay attention to a fully functional and powerful tool for success in life
Self Remembering: The Path to Non-Judgmental Love - is a companion piece to the author’s previous book Self Observation: The Awakening of Conscience, which is fast becoming a classic. Taken together, they present the most detailed examination of the practice available in English. Red Hawk clearly points out that self remembering is only one half of a foundational spiritual practice called “self observation/self remembering.”
Bazându-se pe ideea c? “ nu po?i oferi copilului t?u ceea ce tu nu ai “, autorul Lee Lozowick îndeamn? p?rin?ii s? i?i reaminteasc? de responsabilitatea lor de a oferi copiilor un model de valori pozitive în via?? ?i s? aib? curajul s? recunoasc? c? obiceiurile incon?tiente ?i dorin?a de confort, putere sau del?sare prejudiciaz? s?n?tatea copiilor lor, precum ?i dezvoltarea, siguran?a ?i fericirea acestora.
If you are a parent, you know the feeling that there are some things you might have done better. If you are going to be a parent, there is the feeling of wanting to do the very best for your child that you possibly can. Parenting, A Sacred Task meets both these perspectives.
Claus uses to say about this work: "Besides the constellation work, this soulbreathing work is the fastest and strongest healing kind of work which I had ever experienced. I am absolutely sure that it will help you to greatly lighten up your life and make it more fulfilled and shining. If you want to go one more step towards personal freedom and transformation, you will not want to miss this workshop !"
Art Janov, the father of primary therapy, says: "to feel means to heal" and this what we will learn again in the process of healing based on breathing.
When the order of love in a family is disrupted, the generations that follow will suffer and may become chained to a destiny which is not really theirs, which will prevent them to follow their true life. Many of us live this way without realizing it and without recognizing that we are repeating the fates of other family members.
The Family Constellation seminar provides us with the opportunity to stop the unending circle of repetitive actions we do, although we know we should not do them.
Uncompromising, Generous and Compassionate
A Legacy of Western Spiritual Master Lee Lozowick
These essays contain the final handwritten teachings of Lee Lozowick (1943-2010) given during the last eighteen months of his life, during which he lived in the crucible of an illness that limited his ability to speak. Yet, he continued to work and teach extensively, traveling in Europe and the U.S. until the last two days of his life.
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An animated life together, even in the difficult stages of the relationship. In this well-founded book, but written for to understand, Claus Kostka refers to the period that follows the falling in love stage and which, sometimes, carries the germs of failure, because lovers do not know how to manage the problems and the difficulties that seem to be inevitable.